Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Links, Wednesday 17th June

This is utterly shocking. Watch both the videos.


Interesting history of the racial tensions around public swimming in the US. Basically, as public swimming pools were steadily desegregated, whites first resisted violently and then refused to use them, and the institution eventually went into decline. Little has changed, it seems.


"the British detained not 80,000 Kikuyu, as the official histories maintain, but almost the entire population of one and a half million people, in camps and fortified villages. There, thousands were beaten to death or died from malnutrition, typhoid, tuberculosis and dysentery. In some camps almost all the children died." Guardian


Check it out: vegan meringues!


South Africa is an extraordinarily violent country. Other than that, there are several interpretations you might apply to these statistics.


I find these sorts of arguments entirely dishonest. Not because they're necessarily wrong on their own terms, but because they're  used almost exclusively to defend behaviour that they don't even remotely support. I've never met a meat eater who strictly adheres to any rigorous ethical code about what kind of meat is and isn't allowable, but I've met many who gesture vaguely in the direction of such a code to justify their actual behaviour.

"So you concede it would be OK to eat the flesh of a cow that was pasture-fed on non-arable land for its entire life, all the while fitted with a methane-reclamation device, and then killed suddenly in its sleep?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess..."
"Cool, I'm gonna eat all the McDonalds!"


"More than 21 years after the end of racial apartheid, there is frustration among black writers who cannot get published or whose works are not available in their own communities. They point to the expense of books and a continued lack of diversity in bookshops, publishing houses, awards committees, and among event organisers and audiences. Some have called for a boycott of literary festivals." Guardian


"It is a reminder of deportee Jimmy Mubenga, killed under restraint by G4S guards while pleading that he couldn’t breathe, and whose three killers walk free today. Of Isabella Acevedo, paid £22 a week for seven years working for ex-immigration minister Mark Harper, and deported minutes before her own daughter’s wedding. Of Yashika Bageerathi, sent back to Mauritius six weeks before her A Level exams, despite a petition of 183,751 calling for her to remain. Of the nine cleaners of SOAS, ambushed by forty immigration officers after organising for their rights at their workplace. And of the women of Yarl’s Wood detention centre, over three quarters of whom are survivors of sexual violence, facing daily humiliation and abuse at the hands of the same detention system which has caged 900 international students this past year." NUS



“The best estimate of the average impact of microcredit on the poverty of clients is zero.” Guardian


This seems to me like one of the clearest statements on this sorry saga

"She says she’s black, but we don’t know if she’s always black. Is she black when she’s purchasing a home? Talking to the police? Or is she black only when vying for a role where lived experience would help her odds?"


Very interesting piece, arguing that much of recent economic 'growth' in China is in fact a monetary phenomenon.

"Just as in the 1600s, the basic underlying logic of China's economic boom after 1980 was the import of money in exchange for the export of goods. This influx of money supported the full remonetization of the Chinese economy. Goods and services that the state or the work unit had previously provided now had to be bought in the marketplace."


"while it may not make for an exciting backstory, six in 10 women in real federal prison are there for nonviolent drug crimes... Frequently, low-level assistants serve more than their own bosses. Why? Like Dorothy Gaines, most defendants can't afford a private attorney, and court-appointed attorneys often barely have time to read a defendant's case before defending them in court, much less conduct the research needed for a decent defense. In addition, prosecutors reduce sentences for those who furnish "valuable" information, like the men who testified against Dorothy. The low-level employees have no valuable information to give." HuffPost


Pretty interesting piece on the biochemistry of creating convincing vegan "meat"


TW: Child sexual abuse

I'm generally a support of Tor and the dark web, but this is really troubling. There are admitted methodological problems with this study, but it seems to indicate that a very large proportion of dark net traffic is associated with child pornography and child abuse

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