Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Links, Tuesday 2nd June

Of course, the City could make lots more money, and house lots more people, if it actually resolved the legal difficulties preventing new development on the remainder of the wasteland we call District 6. With the sums at stake, you could set aside huge amounts to compensate victims of forced removals and still pay for social housing.

But no, far easier just to evict poor people in the few homes that do remain to put in upper class tenants instead.


"I think a lot of people saw the Bendy Pole Men and thought, I never realised how terrified I am of Bendy Pole Men, I shall add it to my list of fears. Props for coming up with a new fear, George." Buzzfeed


"The next day, when America woke up to the confirmed reality of a black president, roughly 1 in 100 searches for “Obama” also included [the n-word] or “KKK” in the query string."


"Once more, as drug reform takes place all over the world, Britain's drug policy is still being dictated by right-wing scaremongers armed with disinformation, bad science and shonky statistics." Vice


"Even more bizarre is the African-American man, who, after returning to his childhood home at a project housing unit in the Bronx, was arrested for trespassing in front of his own relatives. He even had the address of the building tattooed onto his forearm, but that didn't matter—he spent the night in jail." Vice



"If Napoleon had remained emperor of France for the six years remaining in his natural life, European civilization would have benefited inestimably. The reactionary Holy Alliance of Russia, Prussia and Austria would not have been able to crush liberal constitutionalist movements in Spain, Greece, Eastern Europe and elsewhere; pressure to join France in abolishing slavery in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean would have grown; the benefits of meritocracy over feudalism would have had time to become more widely appreciated; Jews would not have been forced back into their ghettos in the Papal States and made to wear the yellow star again; encouragement of the arts and sciences would have been better understood and copied; and the plans to rebuild Paris would have been implemented, making it the most gorgeous city in the world." Smithsonian


I doubt the US government would actually commission the relevant research, but I consider it very likely that the Silk Road massively reduced harms for drug users. He still shouldn't have tried to have those people murdered though.


This is good

"When it comes to the Holocaust, a gentle heads up may sound like common sense rather than censoriousness. The struggle taking place on campuses now is, in part, a way of asking faculty to see rape and racialized or gendered violence on a continuum with such self-evidently difficult topics."


You can ignore most of the charts discussing prevalence, unless you take it as an a priori truth that drug use is bad. The most important things are that rates of drug-related deaths and new HIV cases in Portugal have both plunged since decriminalisation.


[Discussion of abortion and the death penalty]

On the concept of "quickening" and it's legal implications

"For centuries the quickening also had important legal ramifications. British common law, eventually imported to Colonial America, outlawed abortion only if it took place after the quickening. Likewise, a pregnant woman could not be executed post-quickening. The English jurist William Blackstone wrote in 1770, “To be saved from the gallows a woman must be quick with child—for barely with child, unless he be alive in the womb, is not sufficient.”"


“It is a lie that there is any optimism. There is no optimism. What the so-called optimism is about is stopping panic-stricken Greeks withdrawing deposits from banks,” Guardian


Slightly technical argument about the Greek government's strategy in debt negotiations. I'm slightly sceptical, given that the author is an advisor to the German government, and so has some vested interest in rejecting ECB liquidity assistance to Greek banks. Nevertheless interesting


"I’m talking about the men who just really, really, REALLY want you to make you come. Not in a nice, caring way — generally more in a “I will rub your clit for the next SEVENTY TWO YEARS if I have to” kind of way. I’ve slept with some, my friends have slept with some, they could be sitting next to you right now and you’d have no idea. I basically think that the issue with those guys is that they genuinely don’t care about women’s pleasure... They don’t want to make women because it’s basic bloody courtesy, they just like the general, vague idea of being ace in bed, which is obviously —  I’m assuming — tied to their need to comfort their own sense of masculinity." Medium


Like in other countries, "anti-trafficking" NGOs in South Africa (often in fact religious organisations who object to the existence of a sex industry at all) are hard at work inflating and manufacturing false statistics to scare the public into compliance.


A translation of Finnegan's Wake is a massive publishing success in China

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