Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Links, Wednesday 26th November

This guy. What an asshole. Guardian


"For all the recent talk of a surveillance state created through the National Security Agency, an oppressive low-tech surveillance state has been in place for decades — and it’s been directed at many of America’s poorest people." NYTimes


They guy is obviously odious in many ways, but here's a good quote:

"But I have a slightly different cut on the Snowden revelations. I think it shows the NSA more as the Keystone Cops than as Big Brother. What is striking to me is how little James Bond-like stuff was going on and how little they did with all this information. That's why I think, in some ways, the NSA is more in this anti-technological zone where they don't know what to do with the data they find. So they just hoover up all the data, all over the world. I think it was news to Obama that he was tapping into [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel's cell phone.

One way to think about this is that if the NSA bureaucracy actually knew what they were doing, they would probably need way less information. What's shocking about Snowden is how much information they had and how little they did with it." Vox


Amazing. When they discover a new empty shell, hermit crabs arrange themselves into a queue by size to optimise their new living arrangements. io9


This is admittedly a relatively dispute between different groups of rich people, but it's still interesting to observe the legal weight attached to particular conceptions of "family". Courant


According to Darren Wilson's sworn testimony, Mike Brown repeatedly physically attacked him without provocation and actually dared him to shoot. Does this occur to anyone as even remotely plausible? Does this occur to anyone as a story so solid it doesn't even need to be tested in court? Vox


While the world's eyes are on Ferguson, Hong Kong authorities take the opportunity to arrest the leaders of the protests happening there. Guardian


"Ditching the myth of South African exceptionalism must reverse this. Democracy wasn’t a ‘miracle,’ it was the result of hard work." Daily Maverick

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