Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Links, Tuesday 18th November

Here's a way to really ruin your evening... Tumblr


Why the US Democratic Party consistently loses with the white working class: racism, basically. Slate


In case anyone was wondering about the motivations between Canadian bill C-36 (criminalising many aspects of the sex industry), it is explicitly *against* safety for sex workers. Youtube


Under South Africa's Constitution, the President is effectively both head of state and head of government, and wields vast power. He is even more powerful than the Prime Minister under the Westminster system since, under a proportional representation system, being head of the ruling party gives the President much greater power over backbench MPs than the Prime Minster does. Mover, the House of Commons is counterbalanced by strong independent institutions like the judiciary, civil service and House of Lords. In South Africa, only really the judiciary is strong and independent, and, as pointed out here, this independence is being steadily eroded by the power of appointment also enjoyed by the President.

This immense concentration of power makes South Africa particularly prone to the 'Bad Emperor' problem. That is, we are very vulnerable to the whims of bad leaders, or even generally good leaders who occasionally make poor decisions. It also leads to bitter, winner-takes-all struggles for power. These tendencies have been observable under both the Mbeki and Zuma presidencies. Daily Maverick


If you're really concerned about protecting women and girls from being coerced into selling sex, consider that purchasers of sex are just about the only people who are in a position to discover coercive practices. Would this man have called the police if he believed he would face criminal charges himself?

"One of the johns blew the lid on the whole operation after the girl who came to his door on May 18, 2012 told him she was underage and was forced to be there. Her story shocked him, he testified, so he gave her some clothes, called her a cab, and called police." Metronews


Some good ones in here.. Cracked


Existential angst werewolf SMBC


If you don't want protests in front of the children, maybe you SHOULDN'T DO RACISM in front of the children!

"Everyone can talk about Black Pete's colour but you can't disturb a children's party like that," Al Jazeera


Chris Rock's delivery is consistently hilarious, but this joke is pretty terrible. Salon


"Numerous media outlets recounted how the noble gays and lesbians fought that night – never mentioning trans folk… carrying on that long and painful tradition of ciswashing queer history - especially Stonewall history." Transadvocate


Dammit, it turns out even synthetic clothing may cause big pollution problems :( Guardian


Some commentary about the alternative map of Africa I posted the other day... Africa is a Country


Some great photos of underground London Slate


Well shit. :(

"It appears that the police presence was carefully planned.

In the days leading up to the fight, the police presence at parliament was beefed up to levels not seen before, with about a dozen police vehicles descending on the square in front of the National Assembly at one point on Tuesday afternoon.

Parliament had taken the unusual step of putting members of the riot police on stand-by in anticipation of an opposition ruckus. They were allocated a committee room on the third floor of the National Assembly to use as a holding venue during sittings of the House." Times


What a surprise - the 2002 Zimbabwe elections were not free and fair. M&G

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