Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Links, Tuesday 12th Jan

Thread of (mostly) women talking about emotional labour. It's a *long* read, but it's worth at least dipping into. It will definitely get you thinking about the ways in which you or the people around you do unacknowledged emotional labour, and how this labour in any given situation is probably unfairly distributed by gender.


Another reminder that flooding in the UK is largely the result of poor land use policies, policies that are more or less directly the result of lobbying by wealthy landowners.


Now here's an Orwellian sentence: "Adolescent youth tend to romanticise and don’t have, in many cases, the systematic point of view that includes considerations about preserving the identity of the nation and the significance of assimilation"

(i.e. "The youth can't be trusted to be appropriately bigoted.")


"Increasing the income share to the bottom 20 percent of citizens by a mere one percent results in a 0.38 percentage point jump in GDP growth. By contrast, increasing the income share of the top 20 percent of citizens yields a decline in GDP growth by 0.08 percentage points." PS Mag


"Why do we need gender on our driving licence? Why do we have to have it on our passport if it doesn’t really add identification? It’s not relevant." Guardian


This story... so many layers


Jacobin Magazine​ has been putting out some really good stuff on market socialism recently - well worth reading, even if you disagree with fundamental premises and/or detailed prescriptions.

(Of the quoted proposal, how it is financed will make a big difference in how it plays out politically, and this question isn't really addressed)

"Suppose a public common fund were established, to undertake what might be euphemistically called the “compulsory purchase” of all privately-owned financial assets. It would, for example, “buy” a person’s mutual fund shares at their market price, depositing payment in the person’s bank account. By the end of this process, the common fund would own all formerly privately-owned financial assets, while all the financial wealth of individuals would be converted into bank deposits (but with the banks in question now owned in common, since the common fund now owns all the shares)."


big step forward for gender-neutral bathrooms!


More about utterly horrible conditions at Pollsmoor Prison, in Cape Town. In addition to the inhumane conditions which result in disease and death for many inmates, many prisoners are held for long stretches while awaiting trial, sometimes for longer than they would have been if actually convicted. This is completely unacceptable.


This is just too good - the expressions on her face! :D



"according to research by a Canadian organ transplant organization, 36 percent of wives who were eligible to donate organs to their husbands went ahead with the operation, whereas only 6.5 percent of eligible husbands were willing to give their wives one of their precious organs." Cracked


The goals of shaming disability claimants and handing large sums of cash to private contractors are being met handily. Actually saving money, not so much.


This really just confirms the bleeding obvious. Question for the day: what are the chances the Tory government will address major human rights violations if it requires offering poor women of colour more generous visa terms?

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