Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Links, Wednesday 2nd December

This is good, especially about the Amazon


Long read, but very touching story. Check it out.


London was an immigrant city, starting more than 2000 years ago


"He then added: “Sir, we’re having big problems with Sars [the South African Revenue Service].”

Zuma listened. He said: “We will look into that.”" Amabhungane


"Health at Every Size, when compared with a weight-loss approach, leads to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and other metabolic markers." qz


"Once those vulnerable childhood years were passed, mid-Victorian life expectancy was not dramatically different from our own. Starting at age five, it averaged 75 for men and 73 for women (reflecting the dangers of pregnancy and childbirth). [For] today’s working and lower-middle classes (socio-economic groups C1, C2 and D) ... relevant figures are around 72 and 76 years for men and women respectively. Women have gained three years thanks to family planning; but it is the men’s loss of three years that reveals the true underlying decline in public health." Spectator


Strength to the brave folks protesting sexual violence and misogyny at UCT


Awesome. Watch the video!


I know people have a lot of emotional reactions to this, but this is *clearly* the rational response. It makes no sense to leave half of the entire escalator free for the small minority who want to walk, often resulting in long queues for the standing side when the walking side is mostly free. You will move more people through, more quickly, if everyone is standing.

I think the stand left, walk right approach is sensible... until a queue starts to form. Then everyone should just stand where they can.


Great photos here


"On Iraq, if not other issues, Mandela and Mbeki were on the same page. Mandela phoned the White House and asked for Bush. Bush fobbed him off to [Condoleezza] Rice. Undeterred, Mandela called former President Bush Sr, and Bush Sr called his son the president to advise him to take Mandela’s call. Mandela had no impact. He was so incensed he gave an uncomfortable comment to the cameras: ‘President Bush doesn’t know how to think,’ he said with visible anger.” Guardian


Absolutely fascinating. Case history of a woman with dissociative identity disorder - some of her personalities are sighted, others are blind (as verified by ECG)



"Last year Cardiff University found that when patients with diabetes were given the drug metformin they in fact lived longer than others without the condition, even though they should have died eight years earlier on average."


“What if our feminist porn star hero was *gasp* a woman?” Slate


  1. Dean, not *clearly*" on stand / walk on elevators. Marginal values of time being different, walking being a price, etc. We can then do endowment and distributional stories to muddy it all. Time of day specific norms might be optimal as you hint at -- but implementation, etc. ~Laurence W

    1. True, I'm implicitly valuing everyone's time equally, which could be questioned. Maybe willingness to walk expresses, to a first approximation, the marginal value of time for that person. But then lots of problem cases, like people with less ability to walk but perhaps still in a hurry!
