"The US government is deporting undocumented immigrants back to Central America to face the imminent threat of violence, with several individuals being murdered just days or months after their return"
This is really good. Moral panics about 'sexting' and childrens' sexuality generally are sexist, shaming and undermine the agency of young people
"When I think back on my camming days, I remember being at peace with myself. I wanted to be sexual. I chose to engage in sexual activity. To me, stripping on webcam wasn't just an informed choice that I made, but one that was affirmed by informed consent. The camming never changed anything in me while it was happening; it was the reaction that destroyed my perception of myself and my sexuality."
The title is misleading - the article describes *how* the government is protecting apartheid racketeers, but doesn't explain why.
"We pathologize women’s entirely rational reactions of “nah” and “meh” to sex as the result of antiquated values. Often, these reactions are because sex might be perilous to a woman’s well-being – and often, if we’re honest, a physically substandard experience. This attitude wants sex to be a fundamental good so badly that it puts it in a vacuum, and ignores the snares that still surround it." Guardian
"To call this a conflict of interests is to miss the point – it’s far too brazen for that. Osborne’s Treasury blithely invited in some of the country’s biggest businesses and asked them to help design their own tax regimes." Guardian
"In part, their defence of the status quo is based on the fact that so many of them were seduced by the complexity of our founding moment — 1994 held within it both the promise of disruption and the potential for co-option. Those who hold senior institutional positions — university administrators, corporate leaders, media decision-makers — sought to be part of a set of broken systems even as they tried to rise above them." BD Live
Science is awesome
This is horrific. Why on earth do Britain and the US continue to support the abhorrent Saudi regime?
"So, in Star Trek they have a replicator that can make any thing you want. But it makes any *thing* you want. Even now, we spend only 30 per cent of our income on goods the rest is for services, and the replicators won’t help with that... We can imagine a world where ...[w]e have robots or something to do the services. But in order to do the full range of stuff we want they have to be very intelligent things in which case aren’t those then people? So the actual issue is that a world where you have servitors of some kind who will give you everything you want is a world where it’s very hard to tell the difference between servitors and slaves." FT (google the title if you don't have access)
"We found that people use the label stupid for three separate types of situation: (1) violations of maintaining a balance between confidence and abilities; (2) failures of attention; and (3) lack of control. The level of observed stupidity was always amplified by higher responsibility being attributed to the actor and by the severity of the consequences of the action. These results bring us closer to understanding people's conception of unintelligent behavior while emphasizing the broader psychological perspectives of studying the attribute of stupid in everyday life." Intelligence
Absolutely disgraceful. Also a good example of how ASBOs are a means for backdoor criminalisation of behaviour that would never have been considered criminal before.
"The US government is deporting undocumented immigrants back to Central America to face the imminent threat of violence, with several individuals being murdered just days or months after their return"
This is really good. Moral panics about 'sexting' and childrens' sexuality generally are sexist, shaming and undermine the agency of young people
"When I think back on my camming days, I remember being at peace with myself. I wanted to be sexual. I chose to engage in sexual activity. To me, stripping on webcam wasn't just an informed choice that I made, but one that was affirmed by informed consent. The camming never changed anything in me while it was happening; it was the reaction that destroyed my perception of myself and my sexuality."
The title is misleading - the article describes *how* the government is protecting apartheid racketeers, but doesn't explain why.
"We pathologize women’s entirely rational reactions of “nah” and “meh” to sex as the result of antiquated values. Often, these reactions are because sex might be perilous to a woman’s well-being – and often, if we’re honest, a physically substandard experience. This attitude wants sex to be a fundamental good so badly that it puts it in a vacuum, and ignores the snares that still surround it." Guardian
"To call this a conflict of interests is to miss the point – it’s far too brazen for that. Osborne’s Treasury blithely invited in some of the country’s biggest businesses and asked them to help design their own tax regimes." Guardian
"In part, their defence of the status quo is based on the fact that so many of them were seduced by the complexity of our founding moment — 1994 held within it both the promise of disruption and the potential for co-option. Those who hold senior institutional positions — university administrators, corporate leaders, media decision-makers — sought to be part of a set of broken systems even as they tried to rise above them." BD Live
Science is awesome
This is horrific. Why on earth do Britain and the US continue to support the abhorrent Saudi regime?
"So, in Star Trek they have a replicator that can make any thing you want. But it makes any *thing* you want. Even now, we spend only 30 per cent of our income on goods the rest is for services, and the replicators won’t help with that... We can imagine a world where ...[w]e have robots or something to do the services. But in order to do the full range of stuff we want they have to be very intelligent things in which case aren’t those then people? So the actual issue is that a world where you have servitors of some kind who will give you everything you want is a world where it’s very hard to tell the difference between servitors and slaves." FT (google the title if you don't have access)
"We found that people use the label stupid for three separate types of situation: (1) violations of maintaining a balance between confidence and abilities; (2) failures of attention; and (3) lack of control. The level of observed stupidity was always amplified by higher responsibility being attributed to the actor and by the severity of the consequences of the action. These results bring us closer to understanding people's conception of unintelligent behavior while emphasizing the broader psychological perspectives of studying the attribute of stupid in everyday life." Intelligence
Absolutely disgraceful. Also a good example of how ASBOs are a means for backdoor criminalisation of behaviour that would never have been considered criminal before.
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