Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Links, Wednesday 9th September

Basically as many people as possible should switch over from cigarettes to e-cigarettes as fast as possible.


Huh, so the alpha/beta wolf thing is apparently a total myth.


"[O]ne thing that the party of small government being so nutty does is to allow the party of big government to be incredibly lazy.

Rather than public services needing to clear a bar like "is this a good use of money?" or "is this program being run well?" it only needs to clear the dramatically lower bar of "is this a better use of money than giving a giant tax cut to millionaires?" You can clear that bar with a pretty crappy and totally mismanaged bus system. But then you get a crappy and mismanaged bus system. Which is, in fact, what we tend to have." Matt Ygelsias


"Asperger’s syndrome, which has been dropped from the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the textbook of American psychiatry, has been criticised for its focus on brilliant oddballs and also for its basis in a small number of observed cases. Yet Mr Silberman shows that Asperger, who was working in Nazi-controlled Austria, deliberately played up the brilliance of his patients in the hope of saving them from murder, and that his work was in fact based on the study of a large number of children who were less obviously gifted." Economist


"We know that Microsoft named the font "Wingdings" by combining "Windows" and "dingbat." But what's a dingbat?

When using a printing press, printers needed a shortcut when it came to ornamenting their text. Every figure or letter had to be hand-carved and laid out before anything could be printed, so it was too laborious to make a new template for every drawing or figure.

Enter dingbats. These tiny pieces included a variety of reusable shapes that could be slotted into text and used as ornamentation in a book." Vox


Just leaving this here...



"The only part of the journey that most migrants still pay traffickers for, he said, is the crossing from Turkey to Greece. Many migrants now feel able to make the rest of the journey on their own with a GPS-equipped smartphone and without paying traffickers."



"Voters have signed up to support it, and Labour has reacted with a purge of such generalised unfairness that I’m almost starting to doubt that its leading lights really wanted to bring democracy to Iraq." Guardian


Well done to all 330 000 people making the UK a better place in the face of intense resistance from its ever-more-overtly xenophobic ruling class. I'll be included in the figures for next year - maybe we can make it to half a million! (Go team bloody foreigner!)

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