Monday, 18 May 2015

Links, Monday 18th May

What in the name of everloving Christ is the EU thinking? So *suppose* this ridiculous plan succeeds on its own terms, and they successfully destroy or seize boats and other assets of people smugglers. Does this mean all the migrants congregated by Libya's Mediterranean shore just go back to where they started? Or... do they just try make the journey in even worse boats, organised by people with even less skill at safely sailing these boats?


Some great history here... Like the launch of Sputnik was a great relief to the American government, because it established a legal precedent for space travel in other countries' 'airspace'


"To equate crime with undocumented people in our society is not tackling xenophobia, it is legitimising xenophobia," Al Jazeera


So austerity in the UK made a pretty big dent in GDP (and GDP per capita), but hardly affected the overall level of employment. Some hypotheses around this are discussed.


This is something I've never heard of before: individuals who consider themselves to consist of multiple individual people. Like multiple personality disorder, except they don't consider it disordered, and prefer "person" to "personality"


I know I'm late to the party here, but check out my awesome friend Ayesha Krige​ doing some advocacy here


MLK loved Star Trek

"[O]n Saturday night, I went to an NAACP fundraiser, I believe it was, in Beverly Hills. And one of the promoters came over to me and said, Ms. Nichols, there's someone who would like to meet you. He says he is your greatest fan.

And I'm thinking a Trekker, you know. And I turn, and before I could get up, I looked across the way and there was the face of Dr. Martin Luther King smiling at me and walking toward me. And he started laughing. By the time he reached me, he said, yes, Ms. Nichols, I am your greatest fan. I am that Trekkie."


John Legend (aka John Stephens) performing a cappella, during his college days.


This makes a lot of sense, as a first application for autonomous vehicles. It functions like an autopilot and can handle the relatively simple task of highway driving, leaving the human operator rested to handle more complex tasks.


Least surprising result ever: white people prefer to live in all-white neighbourhoods, even controlling for apparent prosperity and availability of amenities.


"One final look at the numbers. If we assume real growth of 2.5% (again a consensus view at the time) and 2% inflation, then a debt to GDP ratio of 40% would imply that the sustainable deficit was 1.8% of GDP. As the estimate of the output gap at the time was around zero, there was no reason to adjust this for the state of the cycle. The actual deficits for financial years 2006-7 and 2007-8 were slightly over 2.5% of GDP. The difference is what I call mild imprudence, and would have been fairly easily to correct in subsequent budgets. By 2009-10 the deficit had risen to 10.2% of GDP because of the recession. So the deficit in 2010 was a consequence of the recession, not Labour profligacy before the recession.

And if you cannot shake off that idea that Gordon Brown was profligate, one final set of figures. Between financial years 1979 to 1996 (the 18 years of Conservative government), the deficit averaged 3.2% of GDP. From 1997 to 2007 it was 1.3%. Now maybe the Conservatives were a bit unlucky with having two recessions on their watch, so the equivalent cyclically adjusted figures are 2.6% and 2.1%. One last time: Labour fiscal profligacy is as mythical as the unicorn." Mainly Macro


Map of Anglo-Saxon London, lots of recognisable place names (quite a large file)


"The portrayals of Natasha and Laura rankle at some level, for me, not because they are stories about a woman traumatized by not having children and a woman waiting for her husband to come home, but because it's another story about those two women rather than any of the other bazillion women who could exist in this universe and don't. If you had five butt-kicking women in this movie, it would seem perfectly logical that one of them might have a story related to getting pregnant or not. Why wouldn't she?" NPR


"As for why historical female works were buried after they’d been so widely shared, that’s a question without a clear-cut answer. In the case of Du Châtelet, Janiak says the philosopher’s reputation shifted over the years from that of a writer to that of a translator, an activity that was deemed more socially appropriate for an intellectual woman.

Even Voltaire, with whom she’d had a very public and long-lasting relationship, played a role in minimizing her legacy. He’d praised her intelligence and ideas in some works, but after she died at age 43, Voltaire also referred to her as translator and framed her thoughts as derivative, according to Janiak. “She had understood science in a way he didn’t,” Janiak said. “I think he was jealous.”" Atlantic


This is the kind of thing students at Stellenbosch have been dealing with. Solidarity.


"The new study by University of Oxford, University of Leeds and used  4,830 16-year-old twins to rule out genetic factors – and found that both cannabis use and psychotic episodes were triggered by environmental factors, including being poor, or bullying. In other words, cannabis doesn’t cause the episodes – children who are under stress for other reasons tend to smoke dope, and are also at higher risk of psychotic episodes." Metro


Very good paragraph

"No wonder people hate Burning Man, I thought, when I pictured it as a cynic might: rich people on vacation breaking rules that everyone else would be made to suffer for not obeying. Many of these people would go back to their lives and back to work on the great farces of our age. They wouldn’t argue for the decriminalisation of the drugs they had used; they wouldn’t want anyone to know about their time in the orgy dome. That they had cheered at the funeral pyre of a Facebook ‘like’ wouldn’t play well on Tuesday in the cafeteria at Facebook."


So anti-capitalist market anarchism is a thing...

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