Sunday, 15 February 2015

Links, Sunday 15th Feb



LOL, it turns out there's *already* an FW de Klerk Street in Cape Town (quite near to Marthinus van Schalkwyk Street!)


Well, this is intense. A geopolitical motivation taking precedence over actual energy needs?

"Once the agreement comes into force, the Russians will have a veto over South Africa doing business with any other nuclear vendor. And it will be binding for a minimum of 20 years, during which Russia can hold a gun to South Africa’s head, in effect saying: “Do business with us, or forget nuclear.”" MG


The growth in renewable energy would appear to be unstoppable. (Check out the "Terrordome" graph!) Bloomberg


Damning inside information about just how far Zuma has gone in turning the South African state into a vehicle for his own interests

"Mostly, the executive is held together by mutually reinforcing relationships of patronage. Provincial politicians with vested economic interests often owe their positions to lines of patronage both up and down the political chain." RDM


For anyone looking for insight into the state of our collective erotic imagination, you should look no further than this - a livestream of all the search terms entered on a major porn streaming site (in the "straight" section). Obviously VERY VERY NSFW, and often offensive on many levels.


Africa Check gives a good rundown of the SONA, fact-checking where it has info.


[Some explicit discussion of sexual coercion and some consensual sexual behaviour that might nevertheless be distressing]

A good piece, really trying to address the paradox of acknowledging the fucked-up power structures in our society that shape our enjoyment of certain things while also actually enjoying them at a personal level.

"Even in my blog you’ll see me waver between “my cunt likes what it likes, leave it be” to “how has cultures shaped and perhaps fucked up my sexuality”. I understand this is an unpleasant discussion and will make you second guess yourself. But I still think it needs to happen." Medium


[TW: sexual assault]

Can we be clear that DSK is simply a rapist? The fact that the woman he assaulted (in this case) happened to have been paid for performing *a different sex act* to the one he actually performed on her doesn't make him any less a rapist. You do a massive disservice to sex workers by conflating sexual assault and the consensual sex they have with boundary-respecting clients. The Local


This is basically Pony Mac​'s experience of South Africa. ZANews


Amazing. The Google "Deepmind" initiative unveils an algorithm that will, with a few hours of learning, be able to play simple video games better than any human can.


No killer robots any time soon; probably many economic, social and legal challenges due to AI, however. Fusion


The rest of the review isn't particularly informative, but this is a good bit

"In the social contract, individuals are a premise, not a product. In economics, the satisfaction of individual preferences is the self-evident goal, but this is never explained or justified, even though it is an astonishingly rare commitment across the sweep of time. Siedentop wants to treat such first principles as the result of a history that made liberalism conceivable in the first place." Boston Review


Well shit


Good profile, and an insight into the current Greek negotiating position

“We are a party of the left, but what we are putting on the table is essentially the agenda of a reformist bankruptcy lawyer from the City of London,” he says. “The bailout was not a bailout of Greece in 2010, it was a bailout of the German and French banks. The German public was misled into thinking that this was money going to the Greeks, the Greek public was misled into thinking that this was our salvation.” Guardian


Ah yes, the EFF is a conspiracy of the media and Western governments. South African politicians are sounding more and more like Russian politicians every day... M&G


So Kate Smurthwaite panics at some *rumours* that people might picket outside her event and essentially calls it off herself (notice that even an actually-occurring picket is hardly a threat to life and limb). Then calls up the media and tells people she's been "censored". This convinces a whole lot of radfems (along with some people who should know better) to write a letter to the Guardian opposing "censorship" at universities. What a sorry mess.

"I can’t believe I’ve even had to write this. It’s such a non-story that I’m impressed Kate has got so much mileage out of it." Goldsmith Comedy


Man, this is a window into a different time and place. Thanks Melissa​! Vice

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