Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Links, Wednesday 28th January

"the EU/IMF strategy for dealing with the aftermath of the 2008 crisis is in tatters. They have destroyed centrist politics in Greece: first by forcing political leaders to sign up to austerity, then acquiescing as those political leaders indulged in their tradtional game of graft, patronage and double dealing." Channel 4


Bummer, it seems that e-cigarettes deliver considerably more formaldehye (a carcinogen) than regular cigarettes. The overall risk profile may still be better though, since formaldehyde is by no means the only carcinogen in cigarette spoke. Perhaps this problem could also be fixed by improving the technology? NEJM


"So now that Mr. Tsipras has won, and won big, European officials would be well advised to skip the lectures calling on him to act responsibly and to go along with their program. The fact is they have no credibility; the program they imposed on Greece never made sense. It had no chance of working." NYTimes


Wowzers, in 1921, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, race riots escalated to the point where white pilots dropped *firebombs* on black neighbourhoods (in addition to all the white folks starting fires on the ground). There was mass destruction, with as many as 300 people dying. Cracked


Alongside the offensive language, can we note the irony of Cumberbatch empathising with black actors who find it difficult to get roles... having himself recently taken a role originally written for a person of South Asian origin? Guardian


Reading this, it occurs to me that those lists of "famous people you wouldn't believe are scientologists" typically neglect to mention that even these famous and wealthy people are very likely, at least in some respects, also victims of extremely violent and manipulative organisation.

"Taylor brought Travolta into the church, but, having since defected, admits that his allegiance isn’t entirely voluntary: After years of spiritual “auditing”—the process by which members reveal their deepest secrets and desires in order to go “clear”—the church has enough dirt on Travolta to keep him loyal." Slate


You all know I support a basic unconditional income, but it matters how the policy is designed. It's definitely unrealistic to expect that all means testing could be eliminated immediately, and *some* means testing would probably have to exist even in the longer term (a person with a serious disability, for instance, would probably require more than the standard rate). Guardian


It's a mystery to me that the people who devote the most energy to actually thinking through the long-term consequences of policies are also prepared to say "just vote with your heart" come election time. Hell, if you're a proper radical, you probably think electoral politics is a mere mockery of real democracy, so *all* voting is tactical voting. Guardian

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