Sunday, 7 September 2014

Links, Sunday 7th September

Yikes, WTF Economist? Vox (The full article, preceded by an apology, is available here )


I have not heard of them before, but the London Black Revolutionary Socialists, but they are doing good work. Be aware.

"Since they got their hands on the documents – which the Mail reckoned must have come from a Home Office mole – the Black Revs and other activists have been tearing up and down the country, using UKBA’s own intelligence to inform the identified businesses that they might want to disappear for a couple of weeks, and what their legal rights are in the event of a raid." Vice


"Rivers often zinged herself too, but isn't that also a form of woman-bashing? Indeed, it seems Rivers' shrewdness was in recognizing a patriarchal appetite for misogynistic humor -- and exploiting it." Huff Post


Excellent acronym, guys.

"OGOD’s chairperson, Hans Pietersen told News24 that he is taking two ministers and six schools to task for using taxpayers’ money to suppress the scientific teaching of evolution, and for religious coercion and abuse of learners’ rights." News24


"Far from expressing penitence, the anonymous prostitute accused the reformers of rank hypocrisy. “You the pious, the moral, the respectable, as you call yourselves … why stand you on your eminence shouting that we should be ashamed of ourselves? What have we to be ashamed of, we who do not know what shame is?”" Laura Augustin


This guy sounds like kind of a dick himself, but... Seriously, a service entrance to a camp at Burning Man?! David Kiss


"we should think about the way that sexual labour is connected to the unpaid, underpaid, and exploited work that women–and to a much lesser, but still important extent, men–perform in order to sustain the global capitalist economy. And instead of trying to divorce prostitution from work, we should think instead about the ways that our own demand for licit goods and services is entangled with the illicit and sexual economy, and the ways in which we are complicit in the much wider exploitation of labour."



"Boars accustomed to crate breeding at a young age were more compliant about entering the crate when they were older. An aged boar unaccustomed to the crate might violently resist, circumstances, in turn, that ruined hog erections." Notches

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