Thursday, 21 August 2014

Links, Wednesday 20th August

I've heard similar experiences reported many times, but it's worth repeating: black people tend to experience much more racism, both overt and covert, in Cape Town than elsewhere in the country. My hypothesis isn't that this is because people there are necessarily more racist (my most shocking experiences of white people assuming I'd be comfortable with their racist rants actually happened in Joburg), but simply because they can get away with it more easily in a far more de facto segregated society.

"From Joburg? – Yes. You may just have found a friend, but remain sceptical.

Black or White? White – I wouldn’t risk it. Default mode: tactful. Jump to: “Cape Town is so relaxed so it’s great for a holiday.”

Black – breathe a long sigh of relief, you’re among friends. Default mode: Lift the floodgates of honesty. Tell them about that racist incident at a coffee shop and feel free to omit that joke you’d cautiously added to make it seem like you weren’t angry about the whole episode when really you were fuming. Exchange notes on the “blackest” hang-out spots." IOL


"A critical insight seeped into me from working with my first few dozen clients: An abuser almost never does anything that he himself considers morally unacceptable... How many of you have ever felt angry enough at your mother to get the urge to call her a bitch?” Typically half or more of the group members raise their hands. Then I ask, “How many of you have ever acted on that urge?” All the hands fly down, and the men cast appalled gazes on me, as if I had just asked whether they sell drugs outside elementary schools. So then I ask, “Well, why haven’t you?” The same answer shoots out from the men each time I do this exercise: “But you can’t treat your mother like that, no matter how angry you are! You just don’t do that!”

If mothers are off-limits, and partners aren’t, then sex workers, whether or not they are partners (or exes, because breaking up with a violent asshole doesn’t make you safe), appear to be in a special category of “available for violence.” And it’s something that every sex worker with a partner has to think of, when they have an argument, when they decide what to share and what to hold back about their day at work, when they decide how to have the breakup conversation. Because we know that, no matter how lovely, how supportive, how kind and nonviolent our partners may be, they are that way in spite of societal messages, not because of them." Tits and Sass


If you visit this site while logged in with your Google account, you can see everywhere you've taken your phone over the last 30 days. It's kind of cool, but it also means that a record of this information is kept by Google... Google Location History


This is the kind of hatred that sex workers endure in our society. ANOTHER murder within a relatively short time. [CW: violence] IOL


What fresh hell is this? This org wants to bring the "Swedish model" to South Africa, decriminalising the selling of sex but keeping the purchase of sex criminalised. But the Swedish model would still impose significant costs on sex workers. This is why sex worker-led organisations around the world are unanimously in favour of *full* decriminalisation, because this is best for the safety and well-being of sex workers. Instead of adding their voices to the good work being done by SWEAT, which has been advocating for decriminalisation for years, with increasing success, they choose to confuse the issue. Also note that the driving force behind the org is Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, who I would have hoped knows better :(


"Even if slum life is better than rural poverty, there may be few grounds for celebration. Slums and poor people may not just co-exist; some people may be stuck in poverty because they live in slums." Economist


"Mahmoud Mansour, 26, a Palestinian from Jaffa, has had to hire dozens of security guards after an anti-Arab group, Lehava, published details of his wedding reception online and called for Israelis to come and picket the wedding hall... Lehava, which campaigns under the slogan of 'saving the daughters of Israel', was revealed to have links with the Israeli government in a 2011 investigation by Haaretz, receiving up to $175,000 per year from the state, over half of its operational budget." Guardian


I would highly recommend going to the exhibit (if you're in Cape Town) or checking out the Tumblr page. Groundup

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